It all started…

…in the genetically modified cornfields of Iowa. Something special (or terrible, depending on who you talk to) happened. Rob Chester Smith came to be. After graduating from Carlisle High School with an innate drive to get the hell out of there, he ran off to Northwestern University outside of Chicago and procured an engineering degree in Applied Mathematics that he still doesn’t use to this very day. After that it was off to the improv proving grounds of Chicago’s IO and Annoyance theaters where he trained with legends like Del Close and Mick Napier. He continued with the improv and comedy after arriving in Los Angeles and started appearing in commercials and television. Since then there have been short films at places like Sundance and Cannes (adjacent); training at Groundlings and Steppenwolf West; the Discount Doublecheck; getting punched out by Steven Baldwin, and bitten by a kangaroo. (True stories!) All the fun ended when the kids were born, and now Rob is an amateur school chauffeur and nightly chef. But if you are diligent, you can still catch him acting in shows like All Rise as disheveled Assistant Public Defender Andy Morton.